When I first saw an ad for Miller Lite's Brewers Collection, their new craft, lite beer offering (wheat, amber, and blonde), I held my tongue. I was proud of that. I figured I'd give it a chance. I didn't want to be ignorant in my bitching. But then, I'll be damned if Miller didn't go and do something stupid that has forced my hand. I guess Minneapolis is one of four test markets for the new offering (Baltimore, Sand Diego, and Charlotte are the other three). That being the case, I guess some buxom college babe was passing out some hand-outs near Sgt. Prestons. While sitting around Town Hall swilling beer with Kris and some friends, I got a chance to read the hand-out that someone had brought in. This thing was a piece of work. It read as though it were written for 6th graders. It was supposed to be informative, I guess, but maybe only if you've never had a beer before and know virtually nothing about beer (which might be true for 6th graders). Unfortunately, I didn't try to keep the hand-out. I would have loved to been able to quote directly from it. Let me try to paraphrase, though. "Miller Lite Wheat beer is made from wheat. The wheat is what gives it the distinctive flavor." Or, "Miller Lite Amber is named so because of it's color, which is amber." It's bad. Damn I wish I could have kept a hand-out. I'm embarrassed for Miller. I may give the beers a taste, but I hope I don't get dumber for doing so. I don't know who created those hand-outs, but I'd say it does a disservice to Miller and their new offering. I'm gonna keep looking for the hand-out so I can accurately quote from it.
I see it as indicative of what Miller thinks the educational and knowledge level is of its customers. Clearly, Miller thinks its customers or, at least, the consumers of its new Brewers Collection line of products are either stupid or ignorant nubs.