Usually I just get too caught up in talking to friends, talking to the brewers, making sure to try all the beers that are new, making it to a couple of the special releases. This year however I tore the ballot out of the program and stuck it in my pocket. So in the end it was a matter of sticking my hand in my pocket a few times, feeling the paper and remembering I should vote.
If you’re wondering which one I wrote down, it was Great Water’s Zauer Brown. Like a couple of their special beers from Winterfest, I’m pretty sure this beer falls into only two categories for people: YUM! or ish. However, like those Winterfest concoctions I enjoyed, I’m pretty sure this beer is just a memory now. That is unless I can figure out which direction to turn Bob’s arm to get him to make some more.

At long last, since I drug my feet last year, I was finally able to try Furthermore’s Thermo Refur. Beets, who woulda thunk it? But if anyone could pull it off, it’s Aran and Chris.
Kudos to Lift Bridge for both Chestnut Hill and Chai Girl. Kimono Girl is still my favorite "special" beer from them but Chai Girl gives her a pretty good run for the money.
And finally, it was great to be able to try something out of Dave’s Brew Farm. I can’t wait to see what he has coming in the future.

My friends attend this each year and love it! Perhaps I should follow after you guys and attend next year.
ReplyDeleteMalted milk balls? Yum! I'd have a hard time not taking seconds.
ABR is a great time and I'd recommend to anyone that they should go. That being said, for the last couple of years tickets sell out in advance so keep an eye out for when they go on sale. The best way to do so is via