Thursday, January 3, 2013

Welcome to 2013

Turning the corner to a new year means resolutions for many people. Not me. I've never been one to make them probably because I know that they would be short lived and then I'd just end up being disappointed in myself. That's not to say that I don't set goals but they're not of the "this year" variety. Plus, coming up with meaningful resolutions that one has a chance of carrying out is a tall order after a long night of revelry.

That being said, one of the beer related things I'd like to accomplish this year (see, no use of the word "resolution") is to provide you, my lovely readers, with content on a more regular basis. We started the blog back in 2007 with the idea of amusing ourselves and a handful of our friends. That year, or rather that half year, since we stared in May, we churned out 37 posts. We hit a peak in 2008 and kept a pretty steady run through 2009.

2010 was a big year but not in terms of beer and that was reflected by a huge decrease in posts. We sold our house in Minnesota, waved goodbye to our friends and moved halfway across the country to set up shop in Portland. The next year posts dropped off even further and I assumed the writing reins. Sometime last year I decided it was time to work on posting more often and although I haven't yet gotten to 2008 - 2009 posting frequency, it's been a damn sight more often than 2010.

More doesn't mean better but hopefully it won't mean worse. I appreciate your reading of my musings, the comments you leave and in return maybe I provide some interesting or useful content from time to time. So here's to a great 2013 for all of us!

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year! I look forward to reading your musings, and running into you at beer events and pubs throughout the year :)
