Saturday, February 7, 2009


Well, we made it through last night's Winterfest none the worse for wear. I think the fact that Kris and I were working at the event for the first hour helped us from over-indulging...not that there weren't ample opportunities to do so. I don't know about Kris, but I wasn't able to try everything I wanted to and I inexplicably tried a few I didnt' want to try. *shrugh* Such is life. Part of the problem was I spent a lot of time chatting with an empty glass. It was great seeing and chatting with a lot of old and new friends, but the empty glass in my sticky left hand set a poor example for much of the evening. Oh well. At least, this prevented me from saying anything too stupid to anyone.

So, what were the highlights of the evening, you ask? Hmm, tough to say exactly, but I'll mention a few.
  • Great Waters had a great beer line-up. I was able to try the peary Betelgeuse and the passion fruit Pup Tent. I was pleasantly pleased with both. I think Fitgers' El Diablo (strong barley wine) was my favorite for the evening, but I also enjoyed Surly's Three, Lift Bridge's Imperial Stout, Flat Earth's 2008 Winter Warlock and, for a bit of a change-up on the evening, Schell's U-bier. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to try anything from Barley John's or Rock Bottom and I was only able to get the Chipotle Wee Heavy from Town Hall (interesting beer, but not one I can drink more than a sip of). Finally, I was very happy with Brau Bros.' Sheep Head.
  • I struggled a bit with the crowd. I much prefer the typically very casual beer fest, but for some reason, Winterfest has turned into a bit of a dressy affair. Damnit, save the make-up, unstained and collared shirts, mousse, and high heels for a night club-hoppin and your fru-fru wine events! I get my fill of over-dressed d-bags at work. Fancy blouses, if very low cut, are still acceptable however...not on dudes though.
  • Friends, friends, friends! I had a chance to catch up with no less than four Eric(k)s, three Johns, three Ryans, a handful of Steves, a bucketful of Michaels, a smattering of Scotts and a plethora of other folks. Whee!
  • And the night ended on a bit of an awkward note as someone, who shall remain nameless, got "into it" with a brewer after the event over a matter of adding a couple of pieces of wood to a fire. I think a few too many beers on both sides of the issue were responsible. Ahh, good times...good times.


  1. The adding-wood-to-the-fire issue was an issue that did not need to happen. From what I witnessed, the issue got carried as far as it did because the parties involved had drank too many beers.

    That said, the sober staff handled the issue poorly. I witnessed a manager accuse a patron of breaking the fire pit. Since the manager never witnessed the alleged breaking, his accusation was uncalled for. I know for a fact the fire pit was damaged before the patron ever arrived. I know this because I arrived before the patron did and I noticed the fire pit was damaged.

    Also, while there were signs posted stating that patrons were not permitted to add wood to the fire, the signs were small and placed in inconspicuous locations. I only noticed them when the patron pointed them out to me. In order to read them, I had crouch down low and move in close. Bigger and more prominent signage is needed if they want customers to know they are not permitted to add wood to the fire.

    Also, the sober staff should have intervened to separate the inebriated brewer from the inebriated patron. Instead, the sober staff took the inebriated brewer's words at face value, accused the patron of breaking the fire pit, and then left, leaving the two parties to yell at each other.

    From what I have been told, the patrons and staff settled the issue with apologies to each other.

  2. I am extremely jealous of you and your chatty beer glass. All mine would say was "Fill me" and alternately "Drink!".

  3. Ah, Dean, you've got one of those evil, possessed beer glasses!

    Scott, there is one recurring theme in your response that I'd like to identify. That theme is "sober staff." It's possible that they are really at fault for the whole altercation.

  4. Damn, you guys have all the fun. We went to the Blue Door to continue imbibing and along with a few more great beers we had one of everything on the menu and laughed away the rest of the evening. It was nice seeing everyone but there were to many people attending to have any sort of meaningful conversation.
