Pairing Trefoils
The five boxes of Girl Scout cookies in the kitchen have started their tempting whispers. Unable to wait to find a time to sit down and try all five paired with beers at once I decided to start the experiment one by one.
According to the article that sparked my interest in this particular pairing pursuit, Trefoils (or those old enough to remember when the un-fancy name of Shortbreads was sufficient) are the easiest to pair, "because they are lightly flavored, [and] pair well with pretty much any beer of your choosing." While Mr. Agnew suggested Lindemans Peche or a Munich Helles I didn't find either of them in my beer stash. However I'd been eager to open my bottle of Logsdon Peche 'n' Brett so I thought, why not?
The answer to "why not" is because I'm not skilled in the art of pairing. This wasn't the most horrible pairing ever but the delicious Brett quality of the beer wasn't complimented by the cookies nor was the flavor of the cookies enhanced by the beer.
Undeterred I attempted another pairing, this time with the remainder of the bottle of Cigar City Jai Alai Aged on White Oak that I opened the night before. I love the beer on its own and low and behold, it worked. The bite of the hops and dryness of oak cut through the richness of the cookie imploring me to take another bite while the richness of the cookie told me to have another sip of the beer. A delicious, vicious circle that only came to an end when my glass and the bottle were empty. And then I ate another cookie. Just because.
Seeing as how the Trefoils were the "easiest" to pair, I'll be making a trip to the bottle shop before opening the next box. If the rest of the Trefoils haven't disappeared perhaps I'll pick up a bottle of Lindeman's or a Helles.
Ode to delicious Girl Scout cookies. Had I enough restraint and not opened them before I even left the store, not munched on them on my walk through the parking lot and then not sat in the car for a few moments before driving away eating even more (while still reaching in and eating half the package on my drive home), I could have done this. Doh.